Contact us

Get in touch for any snus-inquiries or to join the Stingfree success as a reseller.

Bengt är uppfinnaren, grundaren och det bultande hjärtat i Sting Free AB

Bengt Wiberg

Founder och board member
+46 76 015 10 82

Bengt is the inventor, founder and beating heart of Sting Free AB. He is really passionate that everyone should have the chance to try the Stingfree technology and that the rest of the world, just like Sweden, should dump cigarettes in favor of much less harmful snus.

Daniel Wiberg


Daniel is Bengt’s eldest son and the company’s CEO. He is a civil engineer in mechanical engineering with many years of experience as a design engineer in several different industries. He is a problem solver who is passionate about making Bengt’s vision a reality.

Daniel Wiberg - vd på Sting Free AB
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